If you don't have a nVidia Graphics card, use Google to find the best enblocal.ini settings.

Note for Windows 10 users:
The Creators update for Windows 10 introduced a wide variety of problems, especially for games with custom renders like ENB or ReShade. If the game refuses to launch with ENB enabled, then follow the steps in number 4 here: (LINK)

3 - ENB Settings In-Game https://treewish207.weebly.com/blog/sda-hymnal-free-download.

ENB will load automatically when Skyrim starts. You can access the settings in-game with the following shortcut keys:

Open the ENB settings console: Shift+Enter

Enable/Disable ENB Effect: F12
Show FPS: Insert
Take Screenshot: PrtScr
Free VRAM: F4

4 - Enhanced ENB Night Eye (Optional)

This step is only for people playing characters with Night Vision. If you don't use night vision, skip this step.

Skyrim Enb Mods

If you use Night Eye, you might want to extend the ENB settings with the enhanced Night Eye options. I personally don't use Night Eye, so I'm not familiar with these settings or how to optimize them.
Download 'Enhanced ENB Night Eye' (LINK)
First install 'EnhancedENBNightEye_2_4 Main ENB Files'
Then install 'EnhancedENBNightEye.esp'
In-Game, open up the ENB settings console (Shift+Enter) to edit the Night-Eye settings

If you want to play with the ENB setting, you can do so by editing 'enbseries.ini' with notepad, or you can edit the ENB in-game by pressing shift+enter.
A little word of advise: ENB currently contains more than 1000 environmental settings, which all differ with time of day, location and weather. When playing around with the settings in one location, it may have unforeseen effects elsewhere, so it's a good idea to test ONE thing at a time, and see how it effects different environments/weathers before making more changes. Messing everything up is VERY easy, trust me on this one. It is very time consuming to fully test ENB changes in all different environments and weathers, but it's absolutely necessary if you want a great looking ENB. If you don't have time for testing, I strongly suggest not to play around with the environmental settings.However, if you do have the time, by all means, I would LOVE to receive ideas for improvements and better settings, and incorporate them into this project. (Please write me on the Nexus SBP Blog)

Wondering if the ENB is worth the performance drop? Here are some screenshots with/without ENB: (All other mods are loaded and enabled, so these are not before/after screenshots. They only show the difference between ENB enabled/disabled)

5 - ENB 3.14 Screenshots Sore red line at top of bum crack.

Enb Download For Skyrim

ENB Without ENB ENB Without ENB

How To Install Enb Skyrim